Albilad Capital
Albilad Capital is the investment banking arm of Bank Albilad
Enjaz Payment Services Company
Mukafaat Albilad
Mukafaat Albilad is the loyalty program that lets you earn points and redeem them for exciting rewards
Horizon Center
Horizon is Bank Albilad Financial Innovation Center, where we facilitate collaboration within the innovation ecosystem to explore, validate, and produce new products and services.
APR may differ depending on the amount, maturity period and credit scoring of the customer
Social Media
Albilad Phone
To call Bank Albilad from Saudi Arabia: 8001230000, and from outside the Saudi Arabia: 00966920001002
Our Branches
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Our Presence at Airports And Railway Stations
Albilad Branch Locations At Railway Stations, Airports And Multi-Currency ATM Locations.
All Rights Reserved © 2025 Bank Albilad is a Saudi joint stock company, with National Unified No. 7001473102, Head Office: Al Mutamarat 8229, Building No 2, RIYADH 3952 - 12711, KSA. Under monitoring and supervision of Saudi Central Bank and licensed by Royal decree 48/M on 1425/9/21H (4/11/2004 G).