Cooperative and Summer Training Program

Part of Bank Albilad’s goal is to increase the level of knowledge and skill among the talented students and enable them to apply the academic studies in the actual work environment, which supports the efforts of Saudization and job localization at the bank. Therefore, we are cooperating strategically with local and international universities and institutes by giving the graduates the opportunity for On-Job Training through COOP Program which is one of the most important sources for our resourcing strategy.

Entry Criteria

  • Bachelor’s degree or Diploma from approved University or Institute 
  • GPA must be more than 2.5/4 or 3/5
  • Saudi national
  • The university requires cooperative training as a requirement for graduation.

The required documents

  • A copy of the National identity
  • Academic Transcript
  • A letter from the university stating that the cooperative training program is a graduation requirement with an indication of the start and end date of the training.  
  •   To apply for the Cooperative Training Program click here

Summer Training Program

Summer training is one of the important goals of Bank Albilad and part of our social responsibility, in which we participate in training the Saudi students to enrich their knowledge and to enable them to get familiar with work environment. Hence, every summer we are committed to train number of universities and high school students in cooperation with Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF), to provide our youth with the appropriate skills and experiences that qualify them to the marketplace.


  • Saudi.
  • High school student or university.
  • The applicant's age is not less than 17 years.

The required documents

  • A copy of the national identity.
  • Curriculum Vita
  • Identification letter from the university or school or a copy of latest academic transcript.
  • You can register for the summer training program (summer) by applying through the Human Resources Development Fund website: